By Beau Monde Traveler
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Sustainability is no longer a niche concern in the travel industry – it’s a core expectation for many travellers, particularly in the UK. Recent studies have found that almost 80% of travellers are more likely to choose an eco-friendly option when holidaying. That can include factors such as transport, activities and, of course, accommodation.

This trend is only going to accelerate, so committing to green practices is not just good for the planet, but may also be essential for your hotel’s success.Here are some key strategies to help your hotel become more eco-friendly:

Cutting Down on Plastic Use

Plastic waste is a major environmental problem, and hotels are significant contributors. Eliminate single-use plastics wherever possible. This includes replacing miniature toiletries with refillable dispensers in bathrooms. Offer guests filtered water stations instead of bottled water and consider replacing plastic keycards with digital keys on smartphones.

Promote Recycling

Make recycling easy for guests by providing clearly labelled bins in each room and throughout the hotel. Partner with a local recycling company to ensure all recyclable materials are properly collected and processed.You may also consider utilising recyclable materials more – whether that be using paper straws or

Automated Systems

Modern technology offers a wealth of opportunities to reduce your hotel’s environmental impact. Automated systems, like occupancy sensors, can automatically adjust lighting and air conditioning in unoccupied rooms. Automated AC units not only save energy but also limit air pollution by reducing unnecessary cooling cycles. Smart thermostats that learn guest preferences can further optimise energy use.

Focus on Food Waste

Food waste is a significant problem in the hospitality industry. Implement strategies to reduce it, such as offering smaller portion sizes with the option for guests to request more.


"even small changes can make a big difference."

Partner with local food suppliers to minimize transportation emissions and support the local economy. You can also explore composting food scraps to create nutrient-rich fertilizer for your landscaping.

Small Changes that Make a Big Difference

Many small changes can collectively make a big difference.

  • ~Encourage guests to reuse towels and linens by placing signage in bathrooms.
  • ~Offer eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for guests and the environment.
  • ~Upgrade to LED light bulbs throughout the hotel for significant energy savings.
  • ~Educate your staff about your hotel’s sustainability initiatives and empower them to suggest eco-friendly options to guests.

By implementing these practices, your hotel can become a leader in sustainable tourism. This not only benefits the environment, but also attracts eco-conscious guests, improves your brand reputation, and potentially reduces your operating costs. Remember, even small changes can make a big difference.

Beau Monde Traveler

Beau Monde Traveler is the ultimate destination where today’s affluent traveler goes to learn, explore and plan their next lavish vacation experience. Beau Monde Traveler: The Vanguard of Luxury Travel