By Giuliana Santomauro

27 Sep,2025

Hermanus, South Africa

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When the current breaks, a black whale emerges from the water and twists to show off its stomach, peppered with white dots, only to glide back into the bay. In the charming fishing village of Hermanus, this is a luxury locals and travelers have the pleasure of viewing each year. As one of the best whale-watching spots in the world, Hermanus, South Africa is home to one of the most beloved eco-tourism events. The Hermanus Whale Festival occurs annually, from late September to October, when the Southern Right Whales return to the warmer waters of Walker Bay after spending months in the arctic sea. As the whales make their new home just feet away from the shore, festival guests gasp at the surreal sight in front of them. Most have never been this close to a whale before, and this breath-taking view brings back an almost child-like excitement. By sitting on a picnic blanket on the cliffside beach or taking a boat out to the bay for a closer look, festival goers get a show they will certainly never forget.

As the only eco-marine festival in South Africa, The Hermanus Whale Festival attracts global visitors with a desire to see these beautiful creatures in person, all the while learning more about conserving the ocean. This beachfront town is settled between luscious mountains and the ocean, with popular vineyards and resorts just ninety minutes from Cape Town. With a perfect view of the Southern Right Whales, travelers can watch from beachside restaurants as the whales break through the currents and slap their tails against the sea. Featuring a parade and street venders where guests learn about the history and sustainable customs of this quaint fishing town, Hermanus, South Africa is an essential destination in South African travel, as it is a cultural experience as well as an environmental one. 

The first Hermanus Whale Festival was in 1992, inspired by the story of Wendy the Whale. In the 1930s, a Southern Right Whale was beached on the coast of Hermanus, causing the community to come together and push her back into the water. Years later, Wendy returned to the coast, and the people of the town celebrated together. This story is the inspiration behind the festival, reminding people that they can live in harmony with nature, and that the environment should be celebrated. Conserving the ocean and protecting wildlife are focuses of the Hermanus Whale Festival, making it the ideal location for eco-tourism.

Southern Right Whales

"As the black and white whales dance in the water beneath them, guests have a clear view through the crystal blue water their gazes falling to the rocky cliffs beneath the surface."

For the best view of the whales, guests should take the boat tour offered at the festival. As the sleek catamaran boat makes its way out in the bay, guests are misted with salt as their hair blows in the wind behind them. The peaceful ride takes them away from the music on the coast, replacing it with the hum of waves crashing against the shore. This closer look brings guests’ just feet away from the Southern Right Whales, an unbeatable view perfect for photo opportunities. While they go farther out in the water, guests can look back and see the cookie-cutter buildings of a small town fading against a backdrop of lush mountains, seemingly small now with a forty-foot long whale in their sight. Water sprays out into the air as the tails of Southern Right Whales break the surface only to fall back in. As the black and white whales dance in the water beneath them, guests have a clear view through the crystal blue water, their gazes falling to the rocky cliffs beneath the surface. There is no disturbance to the wildlife, only mesmerizing views that guests will never forget.

Southern Right Whales

In the grassy valley of Hermanus, the festival also features a vintage car show. The Whales and Wheels car show includes classic cars, trucks, and tractors for the car-lovers in all of us. Guests can grab a drink and walk through the vehicles, admiring the preservation and history for each car. Fond memories of childhood come flowing back as guests are likely to spot the models of their own first cars, this time, without a dent or scratch on the waxy surfaces. Models of Mercedes and Porsche cars in retro colors line the valley, a mix of light blues, reds, and creams. At the end of the show, the cars join the Hermanus Whale Festival Parade by doing a lap down the town’s main road, their engines roaring, as the whales’ dance in the distance. With an eruption of cheers as the cars pass by, excitement settles among members in the crowd. A rush of adrenaline, mixed with the smoky aroma of gasoline, marks the finale of the parade, but the start to the evening festivities.

Southern Right Whales

The parade and carnival make this event fun for guests of any age. With carnival games and rides, like trampolines, bouncy houses, and spinning teacups to keep the children entertained, adults find pleasure in retail therapy. White stalls lining the streets feature traditional styles of clothing, such as colorful jewellery and accessories, and sell rare seashells found on the shore. These stalls lead down the Eco Marine Tent, the most popular place at the festival where guests are given succulents as they learn about cutting down carbon emissions. Full of sustainable activities, the Eco Marine Tent uses technology to connect guests with the outside world, showing them that it does not have to be just one or the other.

Southern Right Whales

Marching down the main road, the band plays cheerful music as guests experience the town’s traditions with them. Street performers pull people in, dancing in the streets together while the South African army walks in the parade. Welcome to anyone, guests can join the parade and march along with new friends. All the while, the whale crier, a person who travels the coast looking for whales, blows into his horn when the whales are near an age-old tradition signal telling guests to come to get the best view. Bringing together local residents and global guests, the Hermanus Whale Festival creates a community that celebrates the natural world and aspires to preserve its beauty.

Southern Right Whales

Visiting local vineyards is essential in South African travel. The Bouchard Finlayson Boutique Vineyard in the Walker Bay wine region is the perfect place to retire to after a long day of whale-watching. Offering the best pinot noir in South Africa, this vineyard mixes the traditional French method of making wine with creativity to offer the best possible product. Through the combination of contemporary furniture with classic pieces, the décor inside the winery radiates sophistication, personifying their own mantra of “old world wisdom in a new world setting”. Guests can also enjoy the outdoors and take a walk through the vineyard with a dazzling view of the grassy mountains and the coast as they sip on a smooth glass of pinot noir.

Southern Right Whales

As one of the best whale-watching spots in the world, the Hermanus Whale Festival is an event that you don’t want to miss. Between the range of mountains and the breathtaking views of the Southern Right Whales just feet away, every seasoned traveler needs to put Hermanus, South Africa on their list. The sandy beaches, luxury boat rides, and vintage car shows are only just some of the aspects that show this small town’s immense beauty.

Giuliana Santomauro

Giuliana Santomauro is an aspiring travel writer based in New York City. Always drawn to the excitement of new places, she moved from suburban New Jersey to a more fast-paced lifestyle. Previously, she worked in public relations and event planning, and is now using that experience to explore the world of travel writing.

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