Our Top 5 Afternoon Tea Spots in Atlanta

The British tradition of afternoon tea is so much more than merely drinking a warm brown liquid. It&

Afternoon Tea at Roseate Villa Bath: A Brash Spin on British Tradition

Walking along the cobblestone streets and basking in the Georgian architecture, the city of Bath evo

7 Flowers and Tea: An Exclusive Afternoon Tea Experience

Tea orchestrates the mind and relieves exhaustion. It awakens thought and restores the body. Here in

The Angel Hotel and the Art of the Afternoon Tea Experience

Before he died, St David told his followers, ‘Do the little things in life’. This maxim remains

An Afternoon Tea Talk with Gillian Walnes Perry

Afternoon Tea is the quintessential British custom that has taken its rightful place as a sophistica

Afternoon Tea in London: A Traditional Treat

A crisp white tablecloth smothers the table. Fine china teacups filled with steaming tea clinks agai

Afternoon Tea at Edinburgh Castle: Historic Dining

“There’s no leaving Edinburgh, no shifting it around: it stays with you, always.” The Scottish

High SocieTea: Six Lavish Locales for Afternoon Tea in London

Balancing a finger sandwich in one hand and a cup of the Earl Grey in the other requires the finesse

Haute SocieTea – Innovative Afternoon Tea Publication Announced

Canary Wharf, London, (August 12th, 2021)  Today, during Afternoon Tea Week at one of the most reve

Let Us Eat Cake: An Afternoon at Browns Windsor

Stepping into the pleasant buzz of Browns, I eagerly greet the hostess: ‘What a beautiful restaura